Wing Chun School Wing Chun Classes Wing Chun Classes

Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School

January 23, 2012 Chinese New Year of the Dragon, James Fell

Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu School

817 909 3310

Wei Wu Wei

Wei Wu Wei

Wei Wu Wei is an important concept of Taoism that involves knowing when to act and when not to act. Another perspective

to this is that "Wu Wei" means natural action - as planets revolve around the sun, they "do" this revolving, but without "doing" it; or as trees grow, they "do", but without "doing". Thus knowing when (and how) to act is not knowledge in the sense that one would think "now" is the right time to do "this", but rather just doing it, doing the natural thing.

Wumay be translated as not have or without; Wei may be translated as do, act, serve as, govern or effort. The literal meaning of Wu Wei is "without action", "without effort", or "without control", and is often included in the paradox "wei wu wei " action without action" or "effortless doing". The practice of wu wei and the efficacy of wei wu wei are fundamental tenets in Chinese thought and have been mostly emphasized by the Taoit school. The aim of wu wei is to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium, or alignment with the Tao, and, as a result, obtain an irresistible form of "soft and invisible" power.

There is another less commonly referenced sense of wu wei; "action that does not involve struggle or excessive effort". In this instance, Wu means "without" and Wei means "effort". The concept of "effortless action" is a part of Taoist Internal martial arts such as T'ai Chi Ch'uan, Bagua Zhang and Xing Yi. It follows that Wu wei complies with the main feature and distinguishing characteristic of Taoism, that of
being natural. To apply Wei Wu Wei to any situation is to take natural action.

The two ways to be Wei Wu Wei is, to do something that is natural for you to do, so that you can do something without thinking about it, and the other way to be is, to practice something until you can do something without thinking about it.

Take this to the next level by using Wei Wu Wei for, what ever your talent is, or what ever you are doing, so that you can be best at it.

~ The Teacher




Wei Wu Wei